Minutes for 2019-01-24
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Presentation Presentation was given by Aidan Feldman formerly of @18F and now working for the US Census Bureau.
Twitter The complete video has been updated to our youtube channel:
Minutes for 2018-11-19
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Presentation Presentation was given by Sani Chabi Yo senior solution architect at MongoDB and one of the maintainers of the MongoDB Operator.
MongoDB Operator Atlas Stitch The complete video has been updated to our youtube channel and the slide deck can be found below.
MongoDB Slides
Minutes for 2018-10-12
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Presentation Presentation was given by Liz Rice Co-Chair of many KubeCons and maintainer of various security oriented applications around Kubernetes.
Kube-Hunter Kube-Bench The complete video has been updated to our youtube channel and the slide deck can be found below.
Aqua Slides
Minutes for 2018-09-28
Presentation Presentation was given for Open First Day
Minutes for 2018-08-26
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Post Discussion More flexibility with some of the timing Procurement people are allowed to come into presentations Full remote meetings would be a big plus Still have issues with some departments blocking access Face to Face is of course important though and will be main type of meetup Interest in talking to people who have taken Kubernetes all the way into production Request to ask if we can get Jonathan Pulcifier (Security) at Shopify Interest in hosting a Kubernetes Basics Course Serverless talks on: Lambda When to use versus containers KNative GCTools is willing to do a demo Chris Allison wants to help and better support communities that to exist We can apparently get translation and transcription Desire for focused problem sets and interactive demos Mentioned dev.
Minutes for 2018-06-26
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Introduction Brief introduction of new members
Planning Items Meeting ran late so no new planning items so can get right into presentation.
Minutes Meeting ran late so no reading of minutes so can get right into presentation.
Presentation Ross Clarke of Statistics Canada gave a thorough presentation of Terraform.
Benefits of Terraform for Hybrid Cloud Terraform Demo Terraform integration with Azure
Minutes for 2018-05-29
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Introduction Brief Introduction of new members
Planning Items Starting to hit our stride now and meetings for next 2 months are planned.
As mentioned we are always looking for constructive criticism and are currently enacted the two we have already recieved:
More focused on specific topics Don’t assume users are familiar with fundamentals We did also get some positive feedback:
Minutes for 2018-04-24
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Introduction Canadian Digital Services - Collaboration Room
Canadian Digital Services / Statistics Canada organized Importance of Cloud native As Developers our view points aren’t always appreciated Policy makers make decisions and we enact it Minutes But first we need to quickly go over some highlight from the minutes during the last meetup.
Review of planning decisions from last meeting Website govcloud.
Overview We ask that you register for our working group and that you at least provide your real full name when signing up.
Additionally we are always looking for presenters and / or hosts who would like to help organize these meetups.
Cloud Native @ GoC Meetup Meetups are usually held once a month at:
Canadian Digital Service
219 Laurier Ottawa, ON
Room 14003 on the 14th floor
Minutes for 2018-03-22
Minutes taken by: Zachary Seguin
Introduction Canadian Digital Services - Collaboration Room
Canadian Digital Services / Statistics Canada organized Importance of Cloud native As Developers our view points aren’t always appreciated Policy makers make decisions and we enact it Vision Long road, not everything can be done by cloud native IaaS formulas, Amazon, Azure, etc. is not cloud native Should focus on purely cloud native, can go any cloud If it’s been solved in cloud native, we should take and learn.